Tuesday, April 9, 2013

A 24-Hour Locksmith to Save the Day

It’s three in the morning and you are just leaving a nightclub with your friends. Everyone has left by the time you get to your car and you reach inside your jacket for your keys and feel nothing. You check all the pockets and cannot find the keys anywhere. Then you check your pants and shirt and there is nothing there either. You go back into the club and look around and ask a few people, but no one has found any keys at all. You go back out to your car and peer in the window and there, on the seat, are your car keys, safely locked inside the car. Sure, you can call one of your friends to come back and bring you home, but that might take a while. You could also try calling a 24-hour locksmith to come and save the day (or night) for you.

While there are many locksmith services available all over the country, not only offer round-the-clock services. Many have the same eight-hour day jobs as you do and do not go beyond that. Luckily, there are some highly qualified specialists who offer their services day or night every day of the week to help you out of these situations.

It is not just the person who locks their keys in the car late at night that a service like this can be a help to. For example, perhaps you have arrived back home after a vacation on a Sunday and reach your front door with your luggage only to realize you do not have your house keys. Maybe you locked them in the house or maybe you left them somewhere on vacation. Who is going to help you on a Sunday? A 24-hour locksmith can come out, get you inside your house and either make you replacement keys, re-key the lock for you with new keys or even give you a whole new lock, very often all on the same day.

Perhaps you work the late shift and return home in the middle of the night to find your home has been burglarized. Besides the stress and fear involved and dealing with the police, you also need to do something about having your lock fixed. A locksmith can install a new, high security lock for you that is safer than what you previously had so you can sleep well at night.

For some people involved in a tough situation perhaps where a restraining order was just issued, there will certainly be fear involved. A locksmith can quickly set you up with new locks and keys on your home so you do not need to worry about someone returning and simply letting themselves in. A high security lock may give you some extra protection here as well; something a locksmith can do for you any time of day.
Knowing that there are locksmiths who are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week can make things much easier for you. It can give you great peace of mind knowing that someone is just a phone call away to help you out of any lock situation no matter what time it is, what the weather is like or even if it is a weekend or holiday. It is a good feeling to know you can get professional 24-hour locksmith services whenever the need comes up or an emergency occurs.

Friday, March 15, 2013

What To Do When You Get Locked Out Of Your House

You knew it the minute you heard the door close, or maybe you got a ride home with a friend or colleague, and your keys are on your desk. You are locked out of the house. Don’t panic. As long as you are in a safe area you have a number of options, ranging from do it yourself to calling a professional. Before you begin, just take a deep breath and survey your best course of action.

Hide and Seek

First, do you have a hide a key stashed away in a potted plant, under the welcome mat or behind your garden gnome? If you do, simply retrieve the key and let yourself in. Instead of returning the key to the original spot, find a new hiding place. It should be easy to remember, but hard to find. Alternatively, maybe you swapped keys with a neighbor.  This is a good practice and a great way to get to know your neighbors!

Phone A Friend

If you have your smart phone, you have a number of options. Is there a friend, roommate, spouse of significant other who has a key? Give them a call and have them come by and let you into your home or apartment. If your home is protected by a security company, they may be able to remotely let you in or send someone by to open you door. 

Breaking and Entering

If you have a flair for the dramatic, you can try picking your lock with a credit card, just like in the movies. You simply slide the card through the space, and this should release a spring lock. It won’t work with deadbolts, however. If you left a window open or unlocked, you can also open these from the outside to gain entry into your home. If you have older windows, the screens may simply “pop” out. Newer, sturdier windows will be harder to pry open.

If all else fails, it may be time to utilize a professional.  Once you are in a safe place, you can call locksmith services in houston for help. You can do a quick internet search on your smart phone to find a local locksmith company. After explain the situation, which may include information about the types of doors and locks in your home, your locksmith should be able to offer you both a quote for services as well as an estimated time of arrival.  You will need to provide proper identification once your door is open. Depending on where you left your keys, you may want to consider changing the locks. You don’t have to make that decision immediately.
Everyone has locked themselves out of the house at one time or another. Hiding a key, installing an electronic, programmable lock, or swapping keys with a neighbor, are good ways to make sure you can access your home in the event of losing your keys inadvertently  locking the door behind you.  While a locksmith may be costly, it is less expensive than replacing windows, doors, or a trip to the emergency room.